Saturday, November 4, 2017

Yesterday I read an article that said that people are the cause of global warming. This made me laugh and I'll tell you why. We know that the earth has changed dramatically several times throughout history. The Sahara was thought to be a lush environment at one point for example. another example is the little ice age that occurred from 1460 and 1550 roughly.
This little ice age  happened as a result of the earth warming. See a pattern here? This isn't the first time the earth has done this. It heats up it cools down. I think the ice melts too from time to time. There are ancient maps found that show Antarctica's border sans ice. How?

My question is why isn't this regularly taught in school? Maybe because it would enlighten people to the fact that this actually occurs from time to time? where is the money in that?
All that said I do think we are damaging our planet. I do care about the earth and wish we could find better ways besides fracking for example to get the resources we use. I love that we are finally starting to embrace alternative energy sources! The innovations of Elon Musk are fascinating and give me hope! However blaming things like cow farts and CO2 is a bit silly. Does anyone remember what plants breathe? It's right on the tip of my tongue ;)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

first post

Hi everyone. I'm starting this blog to post my thoughts and my passions about anarchy and bonsai :)
My idea was to upload pics of my progress with my trees, my garden and seed saving and also my journey to come up with an iron clad explanation of my views on how I think anarchy could work.
So that's it in a nut shell. Please send me your comments and healthy criticism if you want. I like exercising my brain meats on new ideas and concepts. In that regard there is a lot of media hype on the word Anarchy. It is always misused and slandered. Here is a cool comparison between what most people think of anarchy and chaos. Often due to media they are thought of as the same thing yet they are vastly different. (I borrowed this image so I do not take credit for it by any means).

Thanks, Chris